
Image credits:
- 1: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology / Michael Bösendorfer
- 2: FluidTime
During this project, I developed a prototype for a field study in Vienna. It’s a mobile geolocation-based game. For a second game, I implemented a bridge in form of a native Android Application, which enables communication between Bluetooth buttons (Flic Buttons) and Unity applications.
The project Bike’N’Play develops gaming approaches for the integration of cycling data into popular computer games of different game genres. By utilizing existing games, the target group of non-cyclists can be reached and motivated to start cycling.
Focus and Tasks
Game logic programming | game design
Project Partners
- Playful Interactive Environments (PIE)
- AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
- Austrian Players League
- Fluidtime
- ovos media
No Need to Stop – Exploring Smartphone Interaction Paradigms While Cycling